• Sign up online and purchase the 2 Week Intro Starter Package. Save your spot for your first class by checking in online and arrive 20 minutes early to class. Bring a yoga mat, large beach towel, and water to class.

  • Yoga is for everyone! All of our classes are beginner friendly but still challenging in their own ways. There are first timers and beginners in every class. Being new or inflexible and/or out of shape are great reason to start a yoga practice.

  • The yoga is practiced in a heated room but don't let that intimidate you. You are changing the construction of your body as you perform these postures. The heat makes your body more malleable. Warm muscles are more elastic and less susceptible to injury. The heat also helps to increase the flexibility of the body so you can stretch safely in to the postures. It increases circulation and helps the body release toxins from the organs, muscles and tissues.

  • With a regular yoga practice you will burn fat and increase metabolism, decrease stress, reduce back pain, increase muscle tone, improve sleep, improve posture, build strength and endurance, Increase flexibility and balance. You will also improve the functioning of all the systems of the body. The yoga literally works you inside out and bones to skin!

  • Come as much as you can! Yoga is cumulative, the more you come, the better you will feel. We recommend daily practice for one or two months for a new you. Regular practitioners average 3-5 times a week.

  • Always follow your doctor’s orders and consult with your doctor if you are on any medications or have any health issues. Listen to your injuries. Yoga can help heal old injuries and scar tissue, but if something doesn't feel right, listen to your body!