
I started my fitness journey in March of 2012 because I just got sick of being unhealthy and overweight. 

I started out walking which progressed into running. I ran my first 7k October of that same year. 

In 2015 I ran my first half marathon, later that year I came in first for my age in a 5k and first for my age at that same 7k race I did in 2012. 

I started doing Yoga and Pilates at home to compliment my running in 2013. I was talking to a friend about how I wanted to take my practice to the next level but that I never went to a gym or studio because I was intimidated to do so. 

She suggested I give Bent Dog a try. Well I’ve never been one to enjoy being hot but I’ve always loved a challenge and thought “why not? I’ll give it a try.” BEST DECISION I EVER MADE! 

I took my first Inferno Hot Pilates class in January of 2015 and I was hooked. Not only is it challenging, not only is every class different from one to the next, it is so rewarding beyond all of my expectations. 

Since 2012 I have lost 100+ pounds, I have managed to keep it off and maintain a healthy lifestyle. I love working out and do so everyday. I have met some of the most amazing people and made some of the best friendships here at Bent Dog. It has become like a second home to me.

I am a stay at home mom and said if I ever went back to work it would be as an instructor. 

My dream came true when I took the Inferno teacher training in October of 2017 and will be adding Yin Yoga training this January. I absolutely love teaching. 

I am a firm believer that to be become the best teacher/leader, you should start as a student. My teaching style is fun, rewarding, and challenging. I know what my students want and need, and I love guiding them through it. 

My favorite motto is “It doesn’t get easier, you get stronger” and that’s what you’ll get from me. Strong

Connie Holen

I'm a Digital Strategist + Squarespace Web Designer for yoga, fitness and wellness studios who need a strong brand presence both on-line and off. I specializes in creating clean, modern and easy-to-manage websites that smoothy integrate online scheduling softwares and are optimized for local search engine results.


