
Colleen has been practicing various forms of yoga and Pilates for nearly 20 years to achieve greater strength and flexibility and prevent injuries. 

She has nearly 30 years of training and performance experience in ballet and contemporary styles of dance, runs distance races and continues to experiment with various modalities exercise. 

She discovered Inferno Hot Pilates as fun, challenging and accessible to all ability levels, and decided to train with founder Gabby Walters to be an Instructor. 

Her teaching style incorporates her training in traditional Pilates, dance and other fitness regimens and seeks to challenge students at all levels to reach their fitness goals, while working with proper form.

When not teaching at Bent Dog, Colleen works as an Adjunct Instructor with Elgin Community College and teaches public and corporate food safety certification courses, while working toward her Masters of Food Safety at Michigan State University. 

She is a 25-year veteran of the food industry with BA in Hospitality Business from MSU and MBA from DePaul. She still takes dance classes and performs and choreographs for performances in the Chicago area. She and her husband have been together nearly 25 years and have two children.

Connie Holen

I'm a Digital Strategist + Squarespace Web Designer for yoga, fitness and wellness studios who need a strong brand presence both on-line and off. I specializes in creating clean, modern and easy-to-manage websites that smoothy integrate online scheduling softwares and are optimized for local search engine results.


