I took my first yoga class at Bent Dog Yoga & Pilates in the fall of 2018 and haven’t looked back. As a former gymnast, yoga has saved my body by helping to heal those aches and pains and allowed me to re-train my body through strength and flexibility. Yoga has also taught me how to reach calmness and stillness through the mind making me a much better human. Like many yogis, yoga is my happy place. My journey of healing my body, mind and soul has brought me to new levels of my practice. One that is forever changing and morphing, as the teacher is forever the student. The changes yoga brought to my life lead me to complete my 200+ yoga training hours through Bent Dog Hot Yoga & Pilates in January of 2023.
Yoga is not about the pose or how strong or flexible you are. Yoga is about going inward, finding stillness, connecting to self, and learning to love yourself. I look forward to guiding other students through their yoga practice and healing journey.